The Full Moon In Gemini Brings in Evolutionary Expansion!

Mary Trimble
5 min readDec 16, 2021


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Before getting into the Full Moon

Collectively we have been through intense turbulent experiences over the last couple of years. As a result, there has been a significant shift in the collective conscientiousness.

The fear and instability prevalent for many spurred a shift in values. Most have turned to a simpler lifestyle restructuring their lives more meaningfully. A massive soul evolution is taking place as the higher frequencies surge in from the galactic center. Many find it difficult to sleep as their bodies adjust to the higher energies.

What is happening at the Full Moon

As most of you know, a Full Moon is when the Moon is opposite the Sun and reflects the Sun’s light onto Earth. Full Moons represent the culmination or end of a situation, relationship or behavior. Things may come to a head. Quite often, a light shines on something previously unseen.

The next Full Moon on Saturday, December 18, 2021, @ 27 degrees, is on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis meaning the Sun is in Sagittarius, and the Moon is in Gemini. This Full Moon is exciting with an evolutionary expansion beyond imagination.

So what does that means for you?

First of all, Gemini is about communication, facts, and information; It is also about duality and local travel. The Sun is opposite the Moon @ 27 degrees of Sagittarius happens to be the same degree as the galactic center — this is HUGE! It means that this Full Moon is receiving a massive influx of higher frequencies, energies, and upgrades from the galactic center, the likes of which we’ve not seen before. We are in for a collective accelerated soul evolution.

What makes this Full Moon so powerful is the support from Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius. Jupiter is in a harmonious conversation with the Moon and the Sun intensifying the higher galactic energies. Also worth mentioning, Mars moved from the intensity of Scorpio into Sagittarius on December 13, lightening things up a bit. Altogether, there’s an excitement in the air giving a sense of independence and freedom with hope for the future.

Facts and information about health and healing

Chiron, the wounded healer, is confronting Mercury, the ruler of this Full Moon in Gemini, which means that facts and information on health and healing are likely to come out. Perhaps facts on the pandemic and vaccines will come to light, or facts about your health could come up. Whatever the case may be, an assessment and review of your values in light of this information will be necessary in both scenarios to proceed.

A recurring theme through to March 2022

Venus has bumped into Pluto (conjunct) and will have three exact conjunctions in total. The first is on December 11, the second is on December 25, and the third will be on March 3, 2022. Venus’ retrograde on December 19, is why she will meet up with Pluto again on Christmas day. Because both planets are in the earth sign of Capricorn, the economy and stock markets could be affected by this celestial transit. Or, it might be relationships of any kind. Even so, it’s essential to assess what is crucial to make you feel secure.

Finding the inner power to speak out

Venus is about pleasure and comfort, and Pluto is about power and transformation. But when Venus is retrograde it’s harder to achieve that pleasurable comfort.

The Venus/Pluto conjunction highlights what we need or must do to move forward. So, reviewing values and what creates stability in relationships and finance is imperative. Venus, Pluto, and Mercury in Capricorn have a serious quality. Responsibilities are brought to the forefront and karma will play a part. When an obligation that was overlooked or avoided is presented, don’t go into fear mode, handle it to the best of your ability. Clear up that karmic debt.

Pluto can cultivate fear and powerlessness, but like the phoenix rises from the ashes, courage and empowerment rise enabling you to proceed. You may find your voice to ask for what you want in a relationship. It might mean standing up for yourself and no longer allowing others to take advantage. Nevertheless, there’s an underlying urge to let go of what no longer serves you.

Old flames or friends may appear out of the blue

Old flames/lovers or friends may contact you out of the blue and re-enter your life with this karmic energy at play. Keep your vibration elevated to receive this celestial upgrade. Try meditation or repeat a mantra that resonates. Just watch out for any obsessive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

My final thoughts

There’s more happening at this Full Moon and beyond, but this article could turn into a dissertation if I go on! So I’ll leave you with these thoughts:

There is an acceleration in the evolution of epic proportions happening whether some are aware or not. It is like a global reset. Change and transformation are front and center. Hardship and suffering may have been forced upon you, but you can access an internal power that will transcend, allowing you to change the narrative.

On another note, more secrets from the rich and powerful are likely to come out. I will venture to say that information on the pandemic and vaccines could come to light. Nonetheless, the elite’s secrets will be on display. As Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial gets underway, it will be interesting to see if anything comes to light.

Higher energies and frequencies are coming in at an explosive rate from the galactic center. So, it’s essential to let the past go and look to the future. It is a turning point — a reset if you will. The growth and empowerment attained will allow you to create a new narrative.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere on December 21, when the Sun moves into Capricorn. There will be only 9 hours and 15 minutes of daylight. Days will start to get longer after the solstice. On the same day in southern hemisphere, it is the summer solstice. The solstice represents the continuing theme of an ending, and a new beginning.

December 24, will be the third and final square between Uranus and Saturn. So, tensions are likely to build up after the full Moon. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do I see myself in the future?
  • What needs healing?
  • What have I learned?
  • Where am I stuck?
  • What or who no longer serves me?

Write a new storyline and star in it. Consider looking at situations from a different perspective. Speak up for what you want in all of your relationships, but most importantly, honor yourself because you deserve to flourish.




Mary Trimble
Mary Trimble

Written by Mary Trimble

Mary is an astrologer and freelance writer. She prefers to write about astrology but her interests are wide and varied, so she writes for a spectrum of niches.

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