Jupiter in Aries Brings an Opportunity to Manifest Your Dreams

Mary Trimble
3 min readMay 11, 2022


Image by Xavier G from Pixabay

The begining

Aries marks the beginning of the astrological year. Spring commences the new year with erupting tree blossoms and flowers blooming. The atmosphere permeats pleasant aromas and is brimming with potential.

Let’s talk about Jupiter, the mythological God of Gods.

Jupiter, the fifth planet from the Sun, is the oldest and largest planet in our solar system. A colossal twirling gaseous mass and the brightest star in earth’s sky, next to Venus and the Moon. It has an elliptical of approximately twelve years, spending about a year in each sign.

Mythologically, Jupiter was named after the Roman god, the king of kings and the father of the sky. The Romans considered Jupiter equivalent to the Greek god Zeus. He has also been equated to the Norman god Thor. Following the Greek tradition, Jupiter was the brother of Neptune and Pluto — the Greek Poseidon and Hades. They ruled over three kingdoms; the sky, the sea, and the underworld.

Jupiter symbolizes judgment, though not in a punitive way like Pluto, but of awards and accolades. If he thinks you have achieved something exemplary, he might even make you famous by naming a constellation after you. Jupiter is known as the planet of abundance, prosperity, expansion, and joy. He is the traditional ruler of Pisces, but also the ruler of Sagittarius and he’s exalted in Cancer.

The shift in energy

On May 10, 2022, Jupiter moved into Aries, having spent a year in Pisces. It is a massive energy shift. While traveling through Pisces for the past year, he has raised the collective consciousness opening our hearts and minds to philosophy, higher learning, and compassionate, unconditional love.

During Jupiter’s journey through Pisces, he gained knowledge, a connection to the universe, and wisdom. His move into Aries brings a youthful spontaneous energy into the mix with the chance of creating abundantly.

See where 0 degrees of Aries lands in your chart to learn how this ingress will affect you.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Pisces is the last sign. Moving from the last zodiac sign to the first is akin to going from having a conversation with a wise old man about his life and what he’s learned to interacting with a baby. Both are awe-inspiring and yet wholly different. Words are unnecessary when communicating with a baby—facial expressions and varying vocal tones will suffice. Gazing into a baby’s eyes can capture a soul connection and express far more than mere words. Imagine the joy in a baby’s face as they respond to your smile or gesture. They are the epitome of oneness as they’re incapable of seeing themselves separate to others.

The warrior takes over.

The cardinal sign of Aries represents vast energy. As a natural leader, Aries is about setting goals, organizing the steps, and taking action towards them. There’s a fresh new energy at play filled with inspiration and motivation.

You may have dreamed of something for a while, and suddenly you see the possibility of making it happen. Maybe you feel the courage and motivation to take steps toward fulfilling your dreams. In that case, consider setting goals and preparing the steps toward manifesting them. Think of Aries like the wind at your back gently encouraging you and pushing you forward.

Other considerations

Let’s not forget that Mercury goes retrograde on the same day Jupiter enters Aries. Yes, I know, it could be a possible spanner in the works. But beware of blaming Mercury retrograde for everything that goes wrong. The blame could lie with impulsive behavior incited by Jupiter’s move into Aries. Check out the article I wrote on how to survive Mercury retrograde below.

Final thoughts

Keep in mind that Aries is the warrior. He is sometimes the defender and often the aggressor. He is courageous and can rush into situations without thought of consequence. While the Aries energy is forcefully abundant, it can also be impulsive. Don’t forget to invite the wisdom gained through Pisces into the process as you consider each decision before taking action.

Remember, Jupiter will expand whatever you focus on, so keep your frequency high by focusing on positive and creative matters.



Mary Trimble
Mary Trimble

Written by Mary Trimble

Mary is an astrologer and freelance writer. She prefers to write about astrology but her interests are wide and varied, so she writes for a spectrum of niches.

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